Hwa Hwa & Wai Wai's Corner

Welcome to Hwa Hwa and Wai Wai Corner! This blog records the memoirs of Hwa Hwa and Wai Wai. All our friends are welcome to visit this page. Do enjoy and share your experiences with us.

Thursday, September 21, 2006


赶头赶尾的早餐..... 因为睡迟了, 但又答应豪豪做 hotdog 给他当早餐. 所以就赶头赶尾咯....
没办法啦, 答应了宝贝儿子豪豪的事一定要做到啦!!

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

请你吃个 Pandan麻糍啦

很便宜的麻糍啊........每逢一年一度的中秋节快到时. 锦伦泰饼家就会出售月饼, 而原价卖RM5.50的Pandan麻糍, 果然今天大便卖喔! 嘻嘻..... RM4.69一盒.

来啦.......请你吃个 Pandan麻糍啦! Emmm....... 很松软啊! 一流啊!!!!

Monday, September 11, 2006

Special Swiss Roll (新发明的鸡丝瑞士卷)

哈哈..... 非常幸福的新创作'的 swiss roll....那就是"鸡丝瑞士卷". 非常好味喔! 华华, 豪豪, 恩恩和我都喜欢吃啊... 嘻嘻.....
很开心喔! 拍张照片留个念....